Aside from their clinical roles many of our team also work in research, leading projects focussed on improving knee pain outcomes, reducing injury, tackling chronic pain and promoting women in academia & sport. As a clinic we are passionate about being at the forefront of physiotherapy practice and regularly participate as treating practitioners in clinical trials. Current tials include:
- MEMOIR: GMI and education for CRPS (conducted by NeurRA at UniNSW)
- END-IT: Endometriosis study (conducted by Helena Frawley at Melb Uni)
- SUPER KNEE: Improving outcomes after ACL surgery (conducted by Adam Culvenor La Trobe University)
- EPIPHAKNEE: Education for knee A (conducted by Tasha Stanton, David Butler, Kim Bennell& Lorimer Mosley University of SA and University of Melbourne)
- PREPTOPLAY: Reducing knee and head injuries in womens AFL (Kay Crossley, Brooke Patterson, Sallie Cowan La Trobe University)