We are renowned for our expertise in chronic pain as clinicians, researchers, and educators. We listen to your story, using a scientific but whole-person approach to pain management and treatment. The science shows us that recovery from pain is possible. There is hope and we love helping you to understand your pain, working with you to feel empowered and take steps back to your best self.
Management may include:
- Education: empowering you to understand your pain and what you can do
- Hands strategies: so you are in control and active in your recovery
- Graded exercise & movement: we guide a safe return to mobility and strength
- Reconditioning: to get you back doing the things you love
- Self-management: building independence to manage pain and flare ups
- Team support: we work closely with and refer to other health professionals that form your supportive team
- We treat pain conditions including back, neck, knee, limb pain, Complex Regional Pain Syndrome(CRPS) migraine, and TMJD(jaw) pain. We are renowned experts in pelvic pain including vulvodynia, endometriosis, and sexual pain. We are involved in pain related research.