
Our expert team will listen to your story, comprehensively assess, diagnose and provide you with a plan to get you back to your best. Our physiotherapy treatment is evidence based, hands-on and combines education and exercise to return you to doing what you love.

We are highly educated(Post graduate Quals, Masters and PhD’s),  experienced and skilled at assessing the patient holistically ensuring that we consider all contributing factors. Our approach provides you with a tailored plan, aimed at alleviating your pain, improving your function and preventing re-occurrence. We utilise hands-on techniques, exercise and education.



We will listen to your story, take a comprehensive history, conduct a thorough assessment and we will combine hands on treatment, education and targeted exercise to address your concerns.

  • Your initial consultation will be 40-60 minutes depending on your condition.
  • Your follow up consultation will be 20-30 minutes

Yes you can claim initial and follow up consultation on your private health at the time of your appointment through our HICAPS machine.

Your 1:1 and 1:3 clinical exercise sessions are claimable through private health if you have physiotherapy as part of your extra’s cover.